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In my business saddle fit is about 75% of back problems in a horse and can really effect their health overall. To improve movement and the health of your horse, it is very important that you have...
How much weight should a horse carry?
One question asked a lot is exactly how much weight should a horse carry? Now usually this is asked by someone watching a larger individual get on a small horse and ride the living daylights out of...
Equine Emergency Kits
If you have had a horse for any length of time you will know that they can injure themselves, sometimes not enough to have a veterinary visit and other times its an emergency and you need to call...
Dr Dan and Val were great. They took their time with Maple and got down on her level to work with her. Everything was explained well and they made sure all my questions were answered.
Linda Orlowski-Smith, Maple

Copyright 2023 © Balanced Motion Veterinary Services, LLC
Crown Point, Indiana | 219-688-4201

Copyright 2023 © Balanced Motion Veterinary Services, LLC
Crown Point, Indiana | 219-688-4201